Examples =========== You can find every data files used in examples in ``examples/data``. Automatic Classification --------------------------- .. code-block:: console $ cd examples/classification $ python main.py **First step**, import several needed packages. .. code-block:: python import os import joblib import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from autoflow import AutoFlowClassifier **Second step**, load data from CSV. .. code-block:: python train_df = pd.read_csv("../data/train_classification.csv") test_df = pd.read_csv("../data/test_classification.csv") **Third step**, define a ``AutoFlowClassifier``. Here are some key parameters: * ``initial_runs`` are totally random search, to provide experience for SMAC algorithm. * ``run_limit`` is the maximum number of runs. * ``n_jobs`` defines how many search processes are started. * ``included_classifiers`` restrict the search space . In here ``lightgbm`` is the only classifier that needs to be selected. You can use ``included_classifiers=["lightgbm", "random_forest"]`` to define other selected classifiers. You can find all classifiers AutoFlow supported in :class:`autoflow.hdl.hdl_constructor.HDL_Constructor` * ``per_run_time_limit`` restrict the run time. if a trial during 60 seconds, it is expired, should be killed. .. code-block:: python trained_pipeline = AutoFlowClassifier(initial_runs=5, run_limit=10, n_jobs=1, included_classifiers=["lightgbm"], per_run_time_limit=60) **Fifth step**, define columns descriptions, you can find .You can find the full definition in :class:`autoflow.manager.data_manager.DataManager` . Here are some columns descriptions: * ``id`` is a column name means unique descriptor of each rows. * ``target`` column in the dataset is what your model will learn to predict. * ``ignore`` is some columns which contains irrelevant information. .. code-block:: python column_descriptions = { "id": "PassengerId", "target": "Survived", "ignore": "Name" } **Sixth step**, auto do fitting. you can find full document in :meth:`autoflow.estimator.base.AutoFlowEstimator.fit` . Passing data params ``train_df``, ``test_df`` and ``column_descriptions`` to classifier. If ``fit_ensemble_params`` is "auto" or True, the top 10 models will be integrated by stacking ensemble. ``splitter`` is train-valid-dataset splitter,now is set to ``KFold(3, True, 42)`` to do 3-Fold Cross-Validation. You can pass this param defined by yourself or other package, like :class:`sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold`. .. code-block:: python trained_pipeline.fit( X_train=train_df, X_test=test_df, column_descriptions=column_descriptions, fit_ensemble_params=False, splitter=KFold(n_splits=3, shuffle=True, random_state=42), ) **Finally**, the best model will be serialize and store in local file system for subsequent use. .. code-block:: python joblib.dump(trained_pipeline, "autoflow_classification.bz2") **Additionally**, if you want to see what the workflow AutoFlow is searching, you can use :meth:`autoflow.hdl.hdl_constructor.HDL_Constructor#draw_workflow_space` to visualize. >>> hdl_constructor = trained_pipeline.hdl_constructors[0] >>> hdl_constructor.draw_workflow_space() .. image:: images/workflow_space.png **For Reproducibility purpose**, you can load serialized model from file system. .. code-block:: python predict_pipeline = joblib.load("autoflow_classification.bz2") result = predict_pipeline.predict(test_df) OK, you can do automatically classify now. Automatic Regression --------------------------- .. code-block:: console $ cd examples/regression $ python main.py .. code-block:: python import os import joblib import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from autoflow import AutoFlowRegressor train_df = pd.read_csv("../data/train_regression.csv") train_df.replace("NA", np.nan, inplace=True) test_df = pd.read_csv("../data/test_regression.csv") test_df.replace("NA", np.nan, inplace=True) trained_pipeline = AutoFlowRegressor(initial_runs=5, run_limit=10, n_jobs=1, included_regressors=["lightgbm"], per_run_time_limit=60) column_descriptions = { "id": "Id", "target": "SalePrice", } if not os.path.exists("autoflow_regression.bz2"): trained_pipeline.fit( X_train=train_df, X_test=test_df, column_descriptions=column_descriptions, splitter=KFold(n_splits=3, shuffle=True, random_state=42), fit_ensemble_params=False ) # if you want to see the workflow AutoFlow is searching, you can use `draw_workflow_space` to visualize hdl_constructor = trained_pipeline.hdl_constructors[0] hdl_constructor.draw_workflow_space() joblib.dump(trained_pipeline, "autoflow_regression.bz2") predict_pipeline = joblib.load("autoflow_regression.bz2") result = predict_pipeline.predict(test_df) print(result) Phased Search --------------------------- ``phased search`` allowed you to search the best pipeline(workflow) step by step. For example, if you want do ``feature selection``, there are several variable you should take into consideration. If you search these hyper-parameters in one search task, the search-space can be very huge. Without loss of generality, we hypothesis the search-space contains two hyper-parameters : :math:`A` and :math:`B` , if :math:`A` and :math:`B` are both categorical-type hyper-param, :math:`A` have :math:`M` choices, :math:`B` have :math:`N` choices, the total hyper-parameters space have :math:`{N}\times{M}` choices, time complexity is :math:`{O}({A}\times{B})`. But if we greedily fine tune :math:`A` in the first, and then fine tune :math:`B` on the optimal :math:`A`, we can we can reduce time complexity to :math:`O({A} + {B})` . This is a very simple greedy thought, but it is very powerful and make sense if there is little correlation between each variable. In AutoFlow, we support such search method by ``phased search``, you should define a list of :class:`autoflow.hdl.hdl_constructor.HDL_Constructor` and a list of :class:`autoflow.tuner.Tuner`, and AutoFlow will run each ``hdl_constructor`` and ``tuner`` . After finish one of phases, the best configuration will be extracted, and passing the intersted super parameter into the next ``HDL`` to cover ``placeholder``. Back to ``feature selection`` example, there are almost two kinds of hyper-parameters: ``feature selection algorithm`` and ``feature selection ratio``. In the first step, we should keep ``feature selection ratio`` is same and change ``feature selection algorithm``. .. code-block:: python DAG_workflow={ # There are 4 algorithms to choice "num->selected": [ {"_name": "select.from_model_clf", "_select_percent": 80}, {"_name": "select.rfe_clf", "_select_percent": 80}, ], "selected->target": {"_name": "logistic_regression", "_vanilla": True} # _vanilla means don't update hyper-params from hdl_bank to keep # there are no hyper-params in classifier. } In second step, we should choose the best ``feature selection algorithm`` searched from first step and to find optimal ``feature selection ratio``. .. code-block:: python DAG_workflow={ # selector algorithm is set to "", # means this variable will use the optimal value on the same position in the previous # search will be selected "num->selected": {"_name": "", "_select_percent": {"_type": "quniform", "_value": [1, 100, 0.5], "_default": 80}}, # instead of fixed "_select_percent" hyper-param, in this phase it will be fine tuned. "selected->target": {"_name": "logistic_regression", "_vanilla": True} } **Hear is the complete code** .. code-block:: console $ cd examples $ python phased_search.py .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd from autoflow.estimator.base import AutoFlowEstimator from autoflow.hdl.hdl_constructor import HDL_Constructor from autoflow.tuner import Tuner df_train = pd.read_csv("./data/train_classification.csv") hdl_constructors = [ HDL_Constructor( DAG_workflow={ "nan->{highR=highR_nan,lowR=lowR_nan}": "operate.split.nan", "lowR_nan->nan": "impute.fill_abnormal", "highR_nan->nan": "operate.drop", "all->{cat_name=cat,num_name=num}": "operate.split.cat_num", "cat->num": "encode.label", "num->selected": [ {"_name": "select.from_model_clf", "_select_percent": 80}, {"_name": "select.rfe_clf", "_select_percent": 80}, ], "selected->target": {"_name": "logistic_regression", "_vanilla": True} } ), HDL_Constructor( DAG_workflow={ "nan->{highR=highR_nan,lowR=lowR_nan}": "operate.split.nan", "lowR_nan->nan": "impute.fill_abnormal", "highR_nan->nan": "operate.drop", "all->{cat_name=cat,num_name=num}": "operate.split.cat_num", "cat->num": "encode.label", "num->selected": {"_name": "", "_select_percent": {"_type": "quniform", "_value": [1, 100, 0.5], "_default": 80}}, "selected->target": {"_name": "logistic_regression", "_vanilla": True} } ), ] tuners = [ Tuner( run_limit=-1, search_method="grid", n_jobs=3, debug=True ), Tuner( run_limit=50, initial_runs=10, search_method="smac", n_jobs=3, debug=True ), ] autoflow_pipeline = AutoFlowEstimator(tuners, hdl_constructors) column_descriptions = { "id": "PassengerId", "target": "Survived", "ignore": "Name" } autoflow_pipeline.fit( X_train=df_train, column_descriptions=column_descriptions ) Series connect two or more algorithms in single edge ---------------------------------------------------------- As you can see in :ref:`Work Flow`, edge represents `preprocessing` or `estimating` algorithms in AutoFlow framework. In the process of algorithm development, data scientists will series connect two or more algorithms to use according to their knowledge. For example, some algorithms need scaling ,some not. Data scientists have summed up a table based on their experience showed below: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | Algorithm Name | Need Scaling | +==============================================================================================+===============+ | SVM, KNN, PCA, K-Means, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis | Y | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | Naive Bayes, Tree-Based models | N | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ If we not only want to trial algorithms that don't need scaling like ``Naive Bayes`` and ``Tree-Based models``, but also want trial scaling-needed algorithm like ``SVM``, ``KNN`` and ``LR``, How can we do ? The answer is very esay, what you should do is only connect two or more algorithms' name by a separator ``"|"``, like this: .. code-block:: python trained_pipeline = AutoFlowClassifier( initial_runs=12, run_limit=12, n_jobs=3, included_classifiers=[ "scale.standardize|svc", "scale.standardize|knn", "scale.standardize|logistic_regression", "gaussian_nb", "extra_trees", "lightgbm" ], ) ``"scale.standardize|svc"`` means do ``scale.standardize`` firstly, and do ``svc`` as a classifier secondly. Store your data in remote ----------------------------- If you're using machines that are distributed in different places, storage system will be a big problem. You must want to store your search records in single database, store your model persistent file in single file-system. Although the default option for AutoFlow is the local file system and local database (`sqlite `_), AutoFlow also support common relational-database like `PostgreSQL `_ and `MySQL `_ . `Network File System `_ like `HDFS `_ is also supported by AutoFlow. In this example, you will learn how to use ``PostgreSQL`` and ``HDFS`` to store your search records and model persistent file. Install PostgreSQL :::::::::::::::::::: You can find many pages on Google that teach you how to install ``PostgreSQL``, but as a ML practitioner, install by docker or conda maybe a good and convenient choice. **Install by Docker** .. code-block:: console $ docker pull postgres:9.6 $ docker volume create pgdata $ docker run -it --rm -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=000 postgres:9.6 $ ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/pgdata _data **Install by Conda** .. code-block:: console $ conda create -n pg -y $ conda activate pg $ conda install -c conda-forge postgresql -y $ pg_ctl -D /home/tqc/miniconda3/envs/pg/var/postgres initdb $ pg_ctl -D /home/tqc/miniconda3/envs/pg/var/postgres -l logfile start $ psql postgres Install HDFS :::::::::::::::::::: After downloading ``hadoop`` from `official website `_ , move and uncompress the ``hadoop`` fold to ``/usr/local/hadoop``. You should also install java if your computer haven't java environment. You should modify following file: **hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml** .. code-block:: xml dfs.replication 1 dfs.namenode.name.dir file:/usr/local/hadoop/tmp/dfs/name dfs.datanode.data.dir file:/usr/local/hadoop/tmp/dfs/data dfs.permissions false dfs.http.address **hadoop/etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.sh** .. code-block:: console export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64" **hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-site.sh** .. code-block:: xml hadoop.tmp.dir file:/usr/local/hadoop/tmp Abase for other temporary directories. fs.defaultFS hdfs:// **hadoop/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.sh** .. code-block:: xml yarn.resourcemanager.hostname localhost yarn.nodemanager.aux-services mapreduce_shuffle yarn.application.classpath /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/*:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/*:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/hdfs:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/hdfs/lib/*:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/hdfs/*:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/*:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/*:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/yarn:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/*:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/yarn/* **hadoop/etc/hadoop/workers** (Pseudo distributed mode) .. code-block:: console localhost **hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml** .. code-block:: xml mapreduce.framework.name yarn After all, you should start hdfs and yarn service. .. code-block:: xml $ cd /usr/local/hadoop/sbin $ ./start-all.sh Running AutoFlow job ::::::::::::::::::::::: Different from the example above, in hear you should specify parameters like ``db_type``, ``db_params``, ``store_path``, ``file_system``, ``file_system_params`` in :class:`autoflow.estimator.base.AutoFlowEstimator` . .. note:: Detailed explanation can be found in :class:`autoflow.estimator.base.AutoFlowEstimator` .. code-block:: python trained_pipeline = AutoFlowClassifier( initial_runs=5, run_limit=10, n_jobs=3, included_classifiers=["lightgbm"], should_store_intermediate_result=True, db_type="postgresql", db_params={ "user": "tqc", "host": "", "port": 5432 }, store_path="/autoflow", file_system="hdfs", file_system_params={ "url": "", "user": "tqc" } )