autoflow.tuner package


autoflow.tuner module

class autoflow.tuner.Tuner(evaluator: Union[Callable, str] = 'TrainEvaluator', search_method: str = 'smac', run_limit: int = 100, initial_runs: int = 20, search_method_params: dict = <frozendict {}>, n_jobs: int = 1, exit_processes: Optional[int] = None, limit_resource: bool = True, per_run_time_limit: float = 60, per_run_memory_limit: float = 3072, time_left_for_this_task: float = None, n_jobs_in_algorithm=1, debug=False)[source]

Bases: autoflow.utils.klass.StrSignatureMixin

Tuner if class who agent an abstract search process.

  • evaluator (callable, str) –

    evaluator is a function or callable class (implement magic method __call__) or string-indicator.

    evaluator can receive a shp(SMAC Hyper Param, ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace),

    and return a dict ,which contains such keys:

    • loss, you can think of it as negative reward.

    • status, a string , SUCCESS means fine, FAILED means crashed.

    As default, “TrainEvaluator” is the string-indicator of autoflow.evaluation.train_evaluator.TrainEvaluator .

  • search_method (str) –

    Specific searching method, random, smac, grid are available.

    • random Random Search Algorithm,

    • grid Grid Search Algorithm,

    • smac Bayes Search by SMAC Algorithm.

  • run_limit (int) – Limitation of running step.

  • initial_runs (int) –

    If you choose smac algorithm,

    you should realize the SMAC algorithm has a initialize procedure,

    The algorithm needs enough initial runs to get enough experience.

    This param will be omitted if random or grid is selected.

  • search_method_params (dict) – Configuration for specific search method.

  • n_jobs (int) – n_jobs searching process will start.

  • exit_processes (int) –

  • limit_resource (bool) – If limit_resource = True, a searching trial will be killed if it use more CPU times or memory.

  • per_run_time_limit (float) –

    will active if limit_resource = True.

    a searching trial will be killed if it use CPU times more than per_run_time_limit.

  • per_run_memory_limit (float) –

    will active if limit_resource = True.

    a searching trial will be killed if it use memory more than per_run_memory_limit.

  • time_left_for_this_task (float) –

    will active if limit_resource = True.

    a searching task will be killed if it’s totally run time more than time_left_for_this_task.

  • debug (bool) –

    For debug mode.

    Exception will be re-raised if debug = True

hdl2shps(hdl: Dict)[source]
match_cs_key(step_name: str, config: Union[ConfigSpace.configuration_space.Configuration, ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace])[source]
prepare_beam_search_configs(config_space: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace, cs_keys: List[str], search_ranges: List[List[Any]])[source]
run(initial_configs, evaluator_params=<frozendict {}>, instance_id='', rh_db_type='sqlite', rh_db_params=<frozendict {}>, rh_db_table_name='runhistory')[source]
set_beam_search_result_to_cs_default(config_space: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace, beam_result: dict)[source]
set_data_manager(data_manager: autoflow.data_manager.DataManager)[source]
set_hdl(hdl: Dict)[source]
set_resource_manager(resource_manager: autoflow.resource_manager.base.ResourceManager)[source]
set_task(ml_task: autoflow.utils.ml_task.MLTask)[source]

Module contents

class autoflow.tuner.Tuner(evaluator: Union[Callable, str] = 'TrainEvaluator', search_method: str = 'smac', run_limit: int = 100, initial_runs: int = 20, search_method_params: dict = <frozendict {}>, n_jobs: int = 1, exit_processes: Optional[int] = None, limit_resource: bool = True, per_run_time_limit: float = 60, per_run_memory_limit: float = 3072, time_left_for_this_task: float = None, n_jobs_in_algorithm=1, debug=False)[source]

Bases: autoflow.utils.klass.StrSignatureMixin

Tuner if class who agent an abstract search process.

  • evaluator (callable, str) –

    evaluator is a function or callable class (implement magic method __call__) or string-indicator.

    evaluator can receive a shp(SMAC Hyper Param, ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace),

    and return a dict ,which contains such keys:

    • loss, you can think of it as negative reward.

    • status, a string , SUCCESS means fine, FAILED means crashed.

    As default, “TrainEvaluator” is the string-indicator of autoflow.evaluation.train_evaluator.TrainEvaluator .

  • search_method (str) –

    Specific searching method, random, smac, grid are available.

    • random Random Search Algorithm,

    • grid Grid Search Algorithm,

    • smac Bayes Search by SMAC Algorithm.

  • run_limit (int) – Limitation of running step.

  • initial_runs (int) –

    If you choose smac algorithm,

    you should realize the SMAC algorithm has a initialize procedure,

    The algorithm needs enough initial runs to get enough experience.

    This param will be omitted if random or grid is selected.

  • search_method_params (dict) – Configuration for specific search method.

  • n_jobs (int) – n_jobs searching process will start.

  • exit_processes (int) –

  • limit_resource (bool) – If limit_resource = True, a searching trial will be killed if it use more CPU times or memory.

  • per_run_time_limit (float) –

    will active if limit_resource = True.

    a searching trial will be killed if it use CPU times more than per_run_time_limit.

  • per_run_memory_limit (float) –

    will active if limit_resource = True.

    a searching trial will be killed if it use memory more than per_run_memory_limit.

  • time_left_for_this_task (float) –

    will active if limit_resource = True.

    a searching task will be killed if it’s totally run time more than time_left_for_this_task.

  • debug (bool) –

    For debug mode.

    Exception will be re-raised if debug = True

hdl2shps(hdl: Dict)[source]
match_cs_key(step_name: str, config: Union[ConfigSpace.configuration_space.Configuration, ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace])[source]
prepare_beam_search_configs(config_space: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace, cs_keys: List[str], search_ranges: List[List[Any]])[source]
run(initial_configs, evaluator_params=<frozendict {}>, instance_id='', rh_db_type='sqlite', rh_db_params=<frozendict {}>, rh_db_table_name='runhistory')[source]
set_beam_search_result_to_cs_default(config_space: ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace, beam_result: dict)[source]
set_data_manager(data_manager: autoflow.data_manager.DataManager)[source]
set_hdl(hdl: Dict)[source]
set_resource_manager(resource_manager: autoflow.resource_manager.base.ResourceManager)[source]
set_task(ml_task: autoflow.utils.ml_task.MLTask)[source]