Source code for autoflow.evaluation.train_evaluator

import datetime
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import redirect_stderr
from io import StringIO
from time import time
from typing import Dict, Optional, List

import numpy as np

from autoflow.data_container import DataFrameContainer, NdArrayContainer
from autoflow.data_manager import DataManager
from autoflow.ensemble.utils import vote_predicts, mean_predicts
from autoflow.evaluation.budget import implement_subsample_budget
from autoflow.hdl.shp2dhp import SHP2DHP
from autoflow.hpbandster.core.worker import Worker
from autoflow.metrics import Scorer, calculate_score, calculate_confusion_matrix
from autoflow.resource_manager.base import ResourceManager
from autoflow.utils.dict_ import group_dict_items_before_first_token
from autoflow.utils.hash import get_hash_of_config
from autoflow.utils.klass import StrSignatureMixin
from autoflow.utils.ml_task import MLTask
from autoflow.utils.packages import get_class_object_in_pipeline_components
from autoflow.utils.pipeline import concat_pipeline
from autoflow.utils.sys_ import get_trance_back_msg
from autoflow.workflow.components.base import AutoFlowIterComponent
from autoflow.workflow.ml_workflow import ML_Workflow

[docs]class TrainEvaluator(Worker, StrSignatureMixin): def __init__( self, run_id, data_manager: DataManager, resource_manager: ResourceManager, random_state: int, metric: Scorer, groups: List[int], should_calc_all_metric: bool, splitter, should_store_intermediate_result: bool, should_stack_X: bool, should_finally_fit: bool, model_registry: dict, budget2kfold: Optional[Dict[float, int]] = None, algo2budget_mode: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, algo2iter: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, nameserver=None, nameserver_port=None, host=None, worker_id=None, timeout=None, ): super(TrainEvaluator, self).__init__( run_id, nameserver, nameserver_port, host, worker_id, timeout ) self.algo2iter = algo2iter self.algo2budget_mode = algo2budget_mode self.budget2kfold = budget2kfold self.timeout = timeout = worker_id = host self.nameserver_port = nameserver_port self.nameserver = nameserver self.model_registry = model_registry self.should_finally_fit = should_finally_fit self.resource_manager = resource_manager self.should_stack_X = should_stack_X self.should_store_intermediate_result = should_store_intermediate_result self.splitter = splitter self.should_calc_all_metric = should_calc_all_metric self.groups = groups self.metric = metric self.data_manager = data_manager self.random_state = random_state self.run_id = run_id # ---member variable---- self.debug = False self.ml_task: MLTask = self.data_manager.ml_task if self.ml_task.mainTask == "regression": self.predict_function = self._predict_regression else: self.predict_function = self._predict_proba self.X_train = self.data_manager.X_train self.y_train = self.data_manager.y_train self.X_test = self.data_manager.X_test self.y_test = self.data_manager.y_test self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.random_state)
[docs] def loss(self, y_true, y_hat): score, true_score = calculate_score( y_true, y_hat, self.ml_task, self.metric, should_calc_all_metric=self.should_calc_all_metric) if isinstance(score, dict): err = self.metric._optimum - score[] all_score = true_score elif isinstance(score, (int, float)): err = self.metric._optimum - score all_score = None else: raise TypeError return err, all_score
def _predict_proba(self, X, model): y_pred = model.predict_proba(X) return y_pred def _predict_regression(self, X, model): y_pred = model.predict(X) if len(y_pred.shape) == 1: y_pred = y_pred.reshape((-1, 1)) return y_pred
[docs] def get_Xy(self): # fixme: 会出现结果被改变的情况! # 目前这个bug在autoflow.workflow.components.preprocessing.operate.keep_going.KeepGoing 出现过 # fixme: autoflow.manager.data_container.dataframe.DataFrameContainer#sub_sample 函数采用deepcopy, # 应该能从源头上解决X_train数据集的问题,但是要注意X_test return (self.X_train), (self.y_train), (self.X_test), (self.y_test)
# return deepcopy(self.X_train), deepcopy(self.y_train), deepcopy(self.X_test), deepcopy(self.y_test)
[docs] def evaluate(self, config_id, model: ML_Workflow, X, y, X_test, y_test, budget): warning_info = StringIO() additional_info = {} final_model = model[-1] final_model_name = final_model.__class__.__name__ support_early_stopping = getattr(final_model, "support_early_stopping", False) budget_mode = self.algo2budget_mode[final_model_name] is_iter_algo = self.algo2iter.get(final_model_name) is not None max_iter = -1 # if final model is iterative algorithm, max_iter should be specified if is_iter_algo: if budget_mode == ITERATIONS_BUDGET_MODE: fraction = min(1, budget) else: fraction = 1 max_iter = max(round(self.algo2iter[final_model_name] * fraction), 1) with redirect_stderr(warning_info): losses = [] models = [] y_true_indexes = [] y_preds = [] y_test_preds = [] all_scores = [] status = "SUCCESS" failed_info = "" intermediate_results = [] start_time = confusion_matrices = [] best_iterations = [] for fold_ix, (train_index, valid_index) in enumerate(self.splitter.split(,, self.groups)): cloned_model = model.copy() X: DataFrameContainer X_train = X.sub_sample(train_index) X_valid = X.sub_sample(valid_index) y_train = y.sub_sample(train_index) y_valid = y.sub_sample(valid_index) # subsamples budget_mode. if fold_ix == 0 and budget_mode == SUBSAMPLES_BUDGET_MODE and budget < 1: X_train, y_train, (X_valid, X_test) = implement_subsample_budget( X_train, y_train, [X_valid, X_test], budget, self.random_state ) cache_key = self.get_cache_key(config_id, X_train, y_train) cached_model = self.resource_manager.cache.get(cache_key) if cached_model is not None: cloned_model = cached_model # 如果是iterations budget mode, 采用一个统一的接口调整 max_iter # 未来争取做到能缓存ML_Workflow, 只训练最后的拟合器 try: procedure_result = cloned_model.procedure( self.ml_task, X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid, X_test, y_test, max_iter ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) failed_info = get_trance_back_msg() status = "FAILED" # todo: 实现 timeout, memory out if self.debug: self.logger.error("re-raise exception") raise sys.exc_info()[1] break # save model as cache if (budget_mode == ITERATIONS_BUDGET_MODE and budget <= 1 and isinstance(final_model, AutoFlowIterComponent)) or \ (budget == 1): self.resource_manager.cache.set(cache_key, cloned_model) intermediate_results.append(cloned_model.intermediate_result) models.append(cloned_model) y_true_indexes.append(valid_index) y_pred = procedure_result["pred_valid"] y_test_pred = procedure_result["pred_test"] if self.ml_task.mainTask == "classification": confusion_matrices.append(calculate_confusion_matrix(, y_pred)) if support_early_stopping: estimator = cloned_model.steps[-1][1] # todo: 重构 LGBM等 best_iterations.append(getattr( estimator, "best_iteration_", getattr(estimator.component, "best_iteration_", -1))) y_preds.append(y_pred) if y_test_pred is not None: y_test_preds.append(y_test_pred) loss, all_score = self.loss(, y_pred) # todo: 非1d-array情况下的用户自定义评估器 losses.append(float(loss)) all_scores.append(all_score) # when budget <= 1 , hold out validation if fold_ix == 0 and budget <= 1: break # when budget > 1 , budget will be interpreted as kfolds num by 'budget2kfold' # for example, budget = 4 , budget2kfold = {4: 10}, we only do 10 times cross-validation, # so we break when fold_ix == 10 - 1 == 9 if budget > 1 and fold_ix == self.budget2kfold[budget] - 1: break if self.ml_task.mainTask == "classification": additional_info["confusion_matrices"] = confusion_matrices if support_early_stopping: additional_info["best_iterations"] = best_iterations end_time = # finally fit if status == "SUCCESS" and self.should_finally_fit: # make sure have resource_manager to do things like connect redis model.resource_manager = self.resource_manager finally_fit_model =, y, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test) if self.ml_task.mainTask == "classification": y_test_pred_by_finally_fit_model = model.predict_proba(X_test) else: y_test_pred_by_finally_fit_model = model.predict(X_test) model.resource_manager = None else: finally_fit_model = None y_test_pred_by_finally_fit_model = None if len(losses) > 0: final_loss = float(np.array(losses).mean()) else: final_loss = 65535 if len(all_scores) > 0 and all_scores[0]: all_score = defaultdict(list) for cur_all_score in all_scores: if isinstance(cur_all_score, dict): for key, value in cur_all_score.items(): all_score[key].append(value) else: self.logger.warning(f"TypeError: cur_all_score is not dict.\ncur_all_score = {cur_all_score}") for key in all_score.keys(): all_score[key] = float(np.mean(all_score[key])) else: all_score = {} all_scores = [] info = { "loss": final_loss, "losses": losses, "all_score": all_score, "all_scores": all_scores, "models": models, "finally_fit_model": finally_fit_model, "y_true_indexes": y_true_indexes, "y_preds": y_preds, "intermediate_results": intermediate_results, "status": status, "failed_info": failed_info, "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time, "additional_info": additional_info } # todo if y_test is not None: # 验证集训练模型的组合去预测测试集的数据 if self.should_finally_fit: y_test_pred = y_test_pred_by_finally_fit_model else: if self.ml_task.mainTask == "classification": y_test_pred = vote_predicts(y_test_preds) else: y_test_pred = mean_predicts(y_test_preds) test_loss, test_all_score = self.loss(, y_test_pred) # todo: 非1d-array情况下的用户自定义评估器 info.update({ "test_loss": test_loss, "test_all_score": test_all_score, # "y_test_true": y_test, "y_test_pred": y_test_pred }) info["warning_info"] = warning_info.getvalue() return info
[docs] def compute(self, config: dict, config_info: dict, budget: float, **kwargs): # 1. 将php变成model config_id = get_hash_of_config(config) start = time() dhp, model = self.shp2model(config) # 2. 获取数据 X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = self.get_Xy() # todo: iter budget类型的支持 # 3. 进行评价 info = self.evaluate(config_id, model, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, budget) # 4. 持久化 cost_time = time() - start info["config_id"] = config_id info["config"] = config info["config_info"] = config_info info["budget"] = budget # info["instance_id"] = self.run_id # info["run_id"] = self.run_id # info["program_hyper_param"] = shp info["dict_hyper_param"] = dhp estimator = list(dhp.get(PHASE2, {"unk": ""}).keys())[0] info["component"] = estimator info["cost_time"] = cost_time # info["additional_info"].update({ # "config_origin": getattr(shp, "origin", "unk") # }) # fixme: 改到result_logger trial_id = self.resource_manager.insert_trial_record(info) return { "loss": info["loss"], "info": { "config_id": config_id, "trial_id": trial_id }, }
[docs] def shp2model(self, shp): shp2dhp = SHP2DHP() dhp = shp2dhp(shp) # todo : 引入一个参数,描述运行模式。一共有3种模式:普通,深度学习,大数据。对以下三个翻译的步骤进行重构 preprocessor = self.create_preprocessor(dhp) estimator = self.create_estimator(dhp) pipeline = concat_pipeline(preprocessor, estimator) return dhp, pipeline
[docs] def parse_key(self, key: str): cnt = "" ix = 0 for i, c in enumerate(key): if c.isdigit(): cnt += c else: ix = i break cnt = int(cnt) key = key[ix:] # todo: 支持多结点的输入输出,与dataframe.py耦合 if "->" in key: _from, _to = key.split("->") in_feature_groups = _from.split(",")[0] out_feature_groups = _to.split(",")[0] else: in_feature_groups, out_feature_groups = None, None if not in_feature_groups: in_feature_groups = None if not out_feature_groups: out_feature_groups = None return in_feature_groups, out_feature_groups
[docs] def create_preprocessor(self, dhp: Dict) -> Optional[ML_Workflow]: preprocessing_dict: dict = dhp[PHASE1] pipeline_list = [] for key, value in preprocessing_dict.items(): name = key # like: "cat->num" in_feature_groups, out_feature_groups = self.parse_key(key) sub_dict = preprocessing_dict[name] if sub_dict is None: continue preprocessor = self.create_component(sub_dict, PHASE1, name, in_feature_groups, out_feature_groups, ) pipeline_list.extend(preprocessor) if pipeline_list: return ML_Workflow(pipeline_list, self.should_store_intermediate_result, self.resource_manager) else: return None
[docs] def create_estimator(self, dhp: Dict) -> ML_Workflow: # 根据超参构造一个估计器 return ML_Workflow(self.create_component(dhp[PHASE2], PHASE2, self.ml_task.role), self.should_store_intermediate_result, self.resource_manager)
def _create_component(self, key1, key2, params): cls = get_class_object_in_pipeline_components(key1, key2, self.model_registry) component = cls(**params) # component.set_inside_dict(self.addition_info) return component
[docs] def create_component(self, sub_dhp: Dict, phase: str, step_name, in_feature_groups="all", out_feature_groups="all", outsideEdge_info=None): pipeline_list = [] assert phase in (PHASE1, PHASE2) packages = list(sub_dhp.keys())[0] params = sub_dhp[packages] packages = packages.split(SERIES_CONNECT_SEPARATOR_TOKEN) grouped_params = group_dict_items_before_first_token(params, SERIES_CONNECT_LEADER_TOKEN) if len(packages) == 1: if bool(grouped_params): grouped_params[packages[0]] = grouped_params.pop("single") else: grouped_params[packages[0]] = {} for package in packages[:-1]: preprocessor = self._create_component(PHASE1, package, grouped_params[package]) preprocessor.in_feature_groups = in_feature_groups preprocessor.out_feature_groups = in_feature_groups pipeline_list.append([ package, preprocessor ]) key1 = PHASE1 if phase == PHASE1 else self.ml_task.mainTask hyperparams = grouped_params[packages[-1]] if outsideEdge_info: hyperparams.update(outsideEdge_info) component = self._create_component(key1, packages[-1], hyperparams) component.in_feature_groups = in_feature_groups component.out_feature_groups = out_feature_groups if not self.should_stack_X: setattr(component, "need_y", True) pipeline_list.append([ step_name, component ]) return pipeline_list
[docs] def get_cache_key(self, config_id, X_train: DataFrameContainer, y_train: NdArrayContainer): return "-".join([config_id, X_train.get_hash(), y_train.get_hash()])