Source code for autoflow.hdl.smac
import math
from typing import Any, List
from ConfigSpace import CategoricalHyperparameter, \
UniformFloatHyperparameter, UniformIntegerHyperparameter, Constant
from autoflow.utils.math_ import float_gcd
def _encode(value: Any) -> str:
if isinstance(value, str):
return value
return f'{value}:{(value).__class__.__name__}'
def _decode(str_value: str) -> Any:
if str_value == "None":
return None
ix = str_value.rfind(":")
if ix < 0:
return str_value
value_ = str_value[:ix]
type_ = str_value[ix + 1:]
return eval(value_)
except Exception:
return str_value
[docs]def choice(label: str, options: List, default=None):
if len(options) == 1:
return Constant(label, _encode(options[0])) # fixme: if declare probability in here?
# fixme: copy from autoflow/hdl2configSpce/
choice2proba = {}
not_specific_proba_choices = []
sum_proba = 0
choices = []
raw_choices = []
for option in options:
if isinstance(option, (tuple, list)) and len(option) == 2:
choice = None
proba = None
for item in option:
if isinstance(item, (float, int)) and 0 <= item <= 1:
proba = item
choice = item
assert choice is not None and proba is not None
choice2proba[choice] = proba
sum_proba += proba
choice = option
if sum_proba <= 1:
if len(not_specific_proba_choices) > 0:
p_rest = (1 - sum_proba) / len(not_specific_proba_choices)
for not_specific_proba_choice in not_specific_proba_choices:
choice2proba[not_specific_proba_choice] = p_rest
choice2proba = {k: 1 / len(options) for k in choices}
proba_list = [choice2proba[k] for k in raw_choices]
kwargs = {}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': _encode(default)})
hp=CategoricalHyperparameter(label, choices, weights=proba_list, **kwargs)
hp.probabilities=proba_list # fixme: don't make sense
return hp
[docs]def int_quniform(label: str, low: int, high: int, q: int = None, default=None):
if not q:
q = math.gcd(low, high)
kwargs = {}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': default})
return UniformIntegerHyperparameter(label, low, high, q=q, **kwargs)
[docs]def int_uniform(label: str, low: int, high: int, default=None):
kwargs = {}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': default})
return UniformIntegerHyperparameter(label, low, high, **kwargs)
[docs]def quniform(label: str, low: float, high: float, q: float = None, default=None):
if not q:
q = float_gcd(low, high)
kwargs = {}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': default})
return UniformFloatHyperparameter(label, low, high, q=q, **kwargs)
[docs]def uniform(label: str, low: float, high: float, default=None):
kwargs = {}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': default})
return UniformFloatHyperparameter(label, low, high, **kwargs)
# fixme: have some bug in practice
[docs]def qloguniform(label: str, low: float, high: float, q: float = None, default=None):
if not q:
q = float_gcd(low, high)
kwargs = {'log': True}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': default})
return UniformFloatHyperparameter(label, low, high, q=q, **kwargs)
[docs]def loguniform(label: str, low: float, high: float, default=None):
kwargs = {'log': True}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': default})
return UniformFloatHyperparameter(label, low, high, **kwargs)
[docs]def int_qloguniform(label: str, low: int, high: int, q: int = None, default=None):
if not q:
q = min(low, 1)
kwargs = {'log': True}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': default})
return UniformIntegerHyperparameter(label, low, high, q=q, **kwargs)
[docs]def int_loguniform(label: str, low: int, high: int, default=None):
kwargs = {'log': True}
if default:
kwargs.update({'default_value': default})
return UniformIntegerHyperparameter(label, low, high, **kwargs)