from typing import List
from autoflow.hdl.smac import _decode
from autoflow.utils.klass import StrSignatureMixin
[docs]class SHP2DHP(StrSignatureMixin):
[docs] def set_kv(self, dict_: dict, key_path: list, value):
tmp = dict_
for i, key in enumerate(key_path):
if i != len(key_path) - 1:
if key not in tmp:
tmp[key] = {}
tmp = tmp[key]
key = key_path[-1]
if (key == "placeholder" and value == "placeholder"):
tmp[key] = value
[docs] def split_key(self, key, token=":", ignore=("[", "]")) -> List[str]:
L = len(key)
stack = 0
result = []
cursor = ""
for i, e in enumerate(key):
if e == ignore[0]:
stack += 1
if e == token and stack == 0:
cursor = ""
cursor = cursor + e
if e == ignore[1]:
stack -= 1
return result
def __call__(self, shp):
dict_ = shp.get_dictionary()
result = {}
for k, v in dict_.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
v = _decode(v)
key_path = k.split(":")
if key_path[-1] == "__choice__":
key_path = key_path[:-1]
if v is not None:
key_path += [v]
v = {}
if "None" in key_path:
self.set_kv(result, key_path, v) # self.split_key(k)
return result