ultraopt.facade.result 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author  : qichun tang
# @Date    : 2020-12-19
# @Contact    : qichun.tang@bupt.edu.cn
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import lru_cache

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sps
from terminaltables import AsciiTable

from ultraopt.facade.utils import get_wanted
from ultraopt.optimizer.base_opt import BaseOptimizer
from ultraopt.utils.misc import pbudget, get_import_error
from ultraopt.viz import plot_convergence

[文档]class FMinResult(): def __init__(self, optimizer: BaseOptimizer): self.optimizer = deepcopy(optimizer) self.configs_table = [] self.hyperparameters = [hp.name for hp in optimizer.config_space.get_hyperparameters()] self.is_multi_fidelity = len(optimizer.budgets) > 1 self.budget2obvs = optimizer.budget2obvs self.budget2info = {} self.optimizer.reset_time() self.runId2info = self.optimizer.runId2info self.budgets = sorted(list(self.budget2obvs.keys())) for budget, obvs in self.budget2obvs.items(): losses = obvs["losses"] configs = obvs["configs"] if len(losses): ix = np.argmin(losses) loss = losses[ix] config = configs[ix] else: loss = None config = None self.budget2info[budget] = {"loss": loss, "config": config, "num_configs": len(configs)} for hyperparameter in self.hyperparameters: row = [] row.append(hyperparameter) for budget in self.budget2info: config = self.budget2info[budget]["config"] nil = "-" if config is not None: val = config.get(hyperparameter, None) else: val = config = nil if val is None: val = nil if isinstance(val, float): val = f"{val:.4f}" elif not isinstance(val, str): val = str(val) row.append(val) self.configs_table.append(row) self.configs_title = ["HyperParameters"] + ["" if i else "Optimal Value" for i, _ in enumerate(self.budget2info)] self.max_budget, self.best_loss, self.best_config = get_wanted(self.optimizer)
[文档] @lru_cache(None) def get_str(self): # todo: 更好看的打印 table_data = ([self.configs_title] + self.configs_table + [["Optimal Loss"] + [f"{self.budget2info[budget]['loss']:.4f}" for budget in self.budget2info]] + [["Num Configs"] + [str(self.budget2info[budget]["num_configs"]) for budget in self.budget2info]]) if self.is_multi_fidelity: M = 3 table_data.insert(-2, ["Budgets"] + [ f"{pbudget(budget)} (max)" if budget == self.max_budget else pbudget(budget) for budget in self.budget2info]) else: M = 2 raw_table = AsciiTable( table_data # title="Result of UltraOpt's fmin" ).table lines = raw_table.splitlines() title_line = lines[1] st = title_line.index("|", 1) col = "Optimal Value" L = len(title_line) lines[0] = "+" + "-" * (L - 2) + "+" new_title_line = title_line[:st + 1] + (" " + col + " " * (L - st - 3 - len(col))) + "|" lines[1] = new_title_line bar = "\n" + lines.pop() + "\n" finals = lines[-M:] prevs = lines[:-M] render_table = "\n".join(prevs) + bar + bar.join(finals) + bar return render_table
def __str__(self): return self.get_str() __repr__ = __str__ def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__getattribute__(item)
[文档] def plot_hi(self, budget=None, target_name="loss", loss2target_func=None, return_data_only=False): if budget is None: budget = self.max_budget losses = deepcopy(self.budget2obvs[budget]["losses"]) data = deepcopy([config.get_dictionary() for config in self.budget2obvs[budget]["configs"]]) if loss2target_func is not None: targets = [loss2target_func(loss) for loss in losses] else: targets = losses for config, target in zip(data, targets): config[target_name] = target if return_data_only: return data try: import hiplot as hip except Exception: raise get_import_error("hiplot") return hip.Experiment.from_iterable(data).display()
[文档] def plot_convergence( self, budget=None, xlabel="Number of iterations $n$", ylabel=r"$\min f(x)$ after $n$ iterations", ax=None, name=None, alpha=0.2, yscale=None, color=None, true_minimum=None, **kwargs): """Plot one or several convergence traces. Parameters ---------- args[i] : `OptimizeResult`, list of `OptimizeResult`, or tuple The result(s) for which to plot the convergence trace. - if `OptimizeResult`, then draw the corresponding single trace; - if list of `OptimizeResult`, then draw the corresponding convergence traces in transparency, along with the average convergence trace; - if tuple, then `args[i][0]` should be a string label and `args[i][1]` an `OptimizeResult` or a list of `OptimizeResult`. ax : `Axes`, optional The matplotlib axes on which to draw the plot, or `None` to create a new one. true_minimum : float, optional The true minimum value of the function, if known. yscale : None or string, optional The scale for the y-axis. Returns ------- ax : `Axes` The matplotlib axes. """ if budget is None: budget = self.max_budget losses = deepcopy(self.budget2obvs[budget]["losses"]) n_calls = len(losses) iterations = range(1, n_calls + 1) mins = [np.min(losses[:i]) for i in iterations] max_mins = max(mins) cliped_losses = np.clip(losses, None, max_mins) return plot_convergence(iterations, mins, cliped_losses, xlabel, ylabel, ax, name, alpha, yscale, color, true_minimum, **kwargs)
plot_convergence_over_iter = plot_convergence
[文档] def plot_convergence_over_time( self, xlabel="time [s]", ylabel=r"$\min f(x)$ over time", ax=None, names=None, alpha=0.2, yscale=None, colors=None, true_minimum=None, **kwargs): budget2TimesLosses = defaultdict(lambda: {"times": [], "losses": []}) for (configId, budget), info in self.runId2info.items(): end_time = info["end_time"] loss = info["loss"] budget2TimesLosses[budget]["times"].append(end_time) budget2TimesLosses[budget]["losses"].append(loss) budgets = self.budgets max_mins = -float("inf") budget2data = {} for i, (budget) in enumerate(budgets): TimesLosses = budget2TimesLosses[budget] times = TimesLosses["times"] idx = np.argsort(times) times = np.array(TimesLosses["times"])[idx] losses = np.array(TimesLosses["losses"])[idx] mins = [np.min(losses[:i]) for i in range(1, len(losses) + 1)] max_mins = max(max(mins), max_mins) budget2data[budget] = { "x": times, "y1": mins, "y2": losses, } for i, (budget) in enumerate(budgets): y2 = np.clip(budget2data[budget]["y2"], None, max_mins) color = None if colors: color = colors[i] name = f"budget={pbudget(budget)}" if names: name = names[i] ax = plot_convergence(budget2data[budget]["x"], budget2data[budget]["y1"], y2, xlabel, ylabel, ax, name, alpha, yscale, color, true_minimum, **kwargs) return ax
[文档] def plot_concurrent_over_time(self, ax=None, num_points=512, alpha=0.5): data = [] for info in self.runId2info.values(): end_time = info["end_time"] start_time = info["start_time"] data.append([start_time, end_time]) data = np.array(data) ts = np.linspace(data.min(), data.max(), num_points) n_workers = np.array([((data[:, 0] <= t) * (data[:, 1] > t)).sum() for t in ts]) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(ts, n_workers) ax.set_xlabel('time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('number of concurrent runs') ax.set_title('Number of Concurrent Runs over Time') ax.grid(alpha=alpha) return ax
[文档] def plot_finished_over_time(self, ax=None, alpha=0.5): budgets = self.budgets if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() times = {} for budget in budgets: times[budget] = [0] for (_, budget), info in self.runId2info.items(): times[budget].append(info["end_time"]) for budget in budgets: times[budget].sort() for budget in budgets: ax.plot(times[budget], np.arange(len(times[budget])), label=f'budget = {budget}') ax.set_xlabel('time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('number of finished runs') ax.set_title('Number of Finished Runs over Time') ax.legend() ax.grid(alpha=alpha) return ax
[文档] def plot_correlation_across_budgets(self, ax=None): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() configId2budgets = defaultdict(list) for (configId, budget) in self.runId2info.keys(): configId2budgets[configId].append(budget) budgets = self.budgets loss_pairs = {} for b in budgets[:-1]: loss_pairs[b] = {} for b1, b2 in itertools.combinations(budgets, 2): loss_pairs[b1][b2] = [] for configId, bs in configId2budgets.items(): bs.sort() if len(bs) < 2: continue for b1, b2 in itertools.combinations(bs, 2): loss_pairs[float(b1)][float(b2)].append(( self.runId2info[(configId, b1)]["loss"], self.runId2info[(configId, b2)]["loss"], )) rhos = np.eye(len(budgets) - 1) rhos.fill(np.nan) ps = np.eye(len(budgets) - 1) ps.fill(np.nan) for i in range(len(budgets) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(budgets)): correlation, pvalue = sps.spearmanr(loss_pairs[budgets[i]][budgets[j]]) rhos[i][j - 1] = correlation ps[i][j - 1] = pvalue cax = ax.matshow(rhos, vmin=-1, vmax=1) plt.colorbar(cax) ax.set_yticks(range(len(budgets) - 1)) ax.set_yticklabels([pbudget(b) for b in budgets[:-1]]) ax.set_xticks(range(len(budgets) - 1)) ax.set_xticklabels([pbudget(b) for b in budgets[1:]]) ax.set_title('Rank correlation of the loss across the budgets') for i in range(len(budgets) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(budgets)): plt.text(j - 1, i, r'$\rho_{spearman} = %f$' + f"{rhos[i][j - 1]:.4f}\n" + f'$p = {ps[i][j - 1]:.4f}$\n$n = {len(loss_pairs[budgets[i]][budgets[j]])}$', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') return ax